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AWU Secretary Steve Baker Slams Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk

April 6, 2020


AWU Secretary Steve Baker Slams Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

6 April 2020

Annastacia Palaszczuk’s decision to unilaterally announce a public sector wage freeze without any consultation or discussion has left Queensland’s frontline health care workers angry and upset.

This decision means that many frontline health workers employed in hospitals and health services across Queensland will no longer receive a long-overdue pay increase and bonus payment, even though other public servants have already received their bonus.

AWU Queensland Branch Secretary Steve Baker said that Annastacia Palaszczuk’s sudden announcement had been met with disbelief and anguish by Queensland’s frontline health workers.

“In the past few days, we’ve spoken to countless frontline workers who have been left absolutely devastated by this decision,” Mr Baker said.

“These are the cleaners, ward-persons, kitchen hands, laundry staff, and other frontline workers who right now are working around the clock to keep the community safe.”

“One frontline worker we spoke to has stopped spending time with his kids because he doesn’t want to risk infecting them, another told us that she wakes up every morning terrified to go to work because of what might be waiting for her when she gets there.”

These are just some of the thousands of real-life stories by frontline healthcare workers who feel double-crossed by a State Government and a Premier that doesn’t seem to give a stuff about them.

“We’ve had weeks of empty platitudes from Annastacia Palaszczuk about how important our frontline health workers are and what an incredible job they’re doing, yet when the time comes to actually show them some support, she turns around and ignores them,” said Mr Baker.

“AWU members aren’t asking for anything that hasn’t already been promised to them; they simply want what has been owed to them since September 2019.”

“The Premier was more than happy to hand out bonuses to white-collar public servants over the last few weeks yet is choosing to punish the frontline health workers who are putting their safety on the line to care for our communities.”

“If Annastacia Palaszczuk actually means what she says about the value of the contribution our frontline workers are making to the community, she’ll show some integrity and announce today that she’s reversing this cruel, unnecessary decision.”

“If she fails to act immediately, she’ll be making it very clear to frontline health workers currently risking everything to keep us all safe, that she just doesn’t care or value them.”


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