Delegates Training Level 3

Delegates have already undertaken introductory and intermediate levels of union education. This course has been developed to continue integrated learning of organising values for those delegates who have an interest of furthering their potential in their role.

This course will assist participants to enhance their current skills, knowledge and to develop an understanding to achieve better campaigning and organising outcomes. Further, participants will explore frameworks around analysis, and participate in strategic planning, preparation and planning for meetings, identifying and working with member activists and advanced communication.

The course has a variety of practical and theory practises and delegates will be expected to contribute to the wider learning of the group by participating in these group activities. Delegates will also be expected to set activities and development plans to become involved in an industry campaign. This course would endeavour to include branch officials with expertise ub particular fields to co-facilitate throughout the course

This course aims to develop union activists capacity to lead, participate and evaluate in large scale campaigns.


Participated in Level 1 and Level 2 Training or be an experienced delegate or OHS Rep with a keen interest in further development as a senior site delegate or similar



By the end of the Level 3 Development, Delegates will be able to:

  • Research and understand intermediate company and industry analysis
  • Identify and describe the strategic relationships that exist within their industry
  • Apply a range of organising techniques to increase participation in union campaigns
  • Use a debriefing framework and explain the purpose of debriefing
  • Plan, implement and evaluate an organising plan for their industry
  • Identify campaign allies within the community, other stakeholders to support their campaigns
  • Have a high level of understanding of workplace laws including recent precedents and dispute preparation.